Bear, lion, or giraffe?

What’s your little one’s favourite animal? Easily create it with Tomato & Herb Dragon Claws or Carrot Stix, for example. This DIY birthday celebration is created with printables. You can find those anywhere on the internet. Try searching on Pinterest for “printable animal” and you’ll find plenty! Replace the animal’s tummy with a single Organix share pack and you’ve got yourself a super cute treat!

Organix animal mascot

Share packs!

A handful is exactly the right snack-amount for your little one, so it’s also the right amount to hand out to your kid’s friends. How about turning the Melty Carrot Puffs, Apple Rice Cakes, or Melty Sweetcorn Rings into these cute butterfly-bags? There are many Organix flavours to choose from. How adorable are these?!

Treats full of organic fruit

Is your tiny human a big fan of any- and everything fruity, and are you looking for original treat ideas? Good news, you found them! How about creating some healthy, shareable treats created with Organix Fruit pouches? We’re happy to share some inspiration with you.
Organix animal mascot

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Tune in to our Instagram, and you’ll never miss new snacks for your little one, fun giveaways, and DIY inspiration again! Do you follow @organix.belgium yet?

Organix animal mascot